News & Research


Subject Congres MESCE 2012 Hammamet (Tunisia) 1, 2, 3 àctober 2012
Writer Young-Shin Park (pys68)
Time 2012-02-27 08:40:25
Count 7694

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am honored to invite you to participate in the Sixth Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education :Education and Social Change :  Towards a Real Human Development  to be held at Diar Lemdina Hotel / Yasmine Hammamet (01 - 03 October  2012).

For more information do not hesitate to visit the website of the Congress : www.mesce2012.org or contact the conference Organizing Committee via E-mail: yassine.jelmam@yahoo.fr

Please forward this message to others
you think may be interested in participating in the congress.
Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à participer au  Sixième Congres de la Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education : Education et Changement Social :Vers un réel développement humain, qui se tiendra à Diar Lemdina, Yasmine Hammamet (01-03 Octobre, 2012).

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site officiel du congres : www.mesce2012.org ou contactez le comité d'organisation via mail : yassine.jelmam@yahoo.fr

                                                 Veuillez diffuser ce message à toute personne qui pourrait être intéressée par ce congres

Jelmam Yassine Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis
GSM : 00 216 98202093
Skype : jelmam.yassine

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13 updated: 2nd Call for Papers: Ioste XV - Tun... Young-Shin Park 2012-02-27 15636
12 Congres MESCE 2012 Hammamet (Tunisia) 1, 2, ... Young-Shin Park 2012-02-27 7694
11 Change_Over EASE headquarter Young-Shin Park 2012-02-17 7021
10 Invitation | Education for Sustainability | ... Young-Shin Park 2012-02-10 7238
9 Sixth Congress of the Mediterranean Society ... Young-Shin Park 2011-12-28 7447
8 CALL FOR PAPERS: IJSE Headquarter of EASE 2011-12-16 7917

