News & Research


Subject ASTE conference in Portland, Oregon 2015
Writer Young-Shin Park (pys68)
Time 2014-08-07 08:20:04
Count 6310
There will be ASTE international conference in Portland Oregon where I am now ^*^
I hope to meet people next year in Oregon.

Proposal due date has passed (sorry for this late announcement) but you can enjoy by atttending conference and meeting people!!

Subject Name Date Count
37 The 31st ASET Annual International Conferenc... Young-Shin Park 2015-09-30 4702
36 International ASTE conference at Reno, USA (... Young-Shin Park 2015-09-30 12108
35 Announcing a new journal: Asia-Pacific Scien... Young-Shin Park 2015-09-03 5705
34 ASTE conference in Portland, Oregon 2015 Young-Shin Park 2014-08-07 6310
33 International Society of Educational Researc... Young-Shin Park 2014-08-07 8449
32 ISEC 2014 SINGAPORE (International Science E... Young-Shin Park 2014-05-09 6514
31 IGEO in India. The International Geoscience ... Young-Shin Park 2014-04-30 9070
30 2014 Korean Association for Science Educatio... Young-Shin Park 2014-01-11 7091
29 The birth of New Journal APSE (Asia-Pacific ... Young-Shin Park 2014-01-11 6850
28 The 3rd EASE Newsletter of 2013 is now onlin... Headquarter of EASE 2013-10-02 6152

