Writer | Headquarter of EASE (admin) |
Time | 2021-11-09 10:49:48 |
Count | 12538 |
File | |
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESEARCH IN SCIENCE EDUCATION SPECIAL ISSUE: A TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR PETER FENSHAM, AM, Vale 23 August 2021 Co-Editors: K Nichols, W Nielsen, R Cooper, R Gunstone In this Special Issue, we seek to honour and celebrate the life, work and profound influence of our colleague Professor Peter Fensham on the field of science education. The Special Issue provides us with a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge Peter as the founder and shaper of ASERA and to recognize the ongoing influence of his work and mentorship on the ASERA community as a whole. For this Special Issue, we invite contributions in a range of categories, as listed below. The Co-Editors will collectively review all submissions and make decisions on how to best include the widest possible range of voices and contributions for this Special Issue. This may include combining voices into a single piece or sending papers for formal review. Submission categories: 1) Memorial tributes (up to 500 words); 2) Recognition of Professor Fensham’s research contributions to the field (up to 2500 words); 3) Recognition of Professor Fensham’s research mentorship (up to 2500 words). Contributions from ECR, HDR students and current researchers are welcomed; 4) Commentary on how Professor Fensham’s foundational work has advanced since its publication or introduction, for example, theoretical developments, conceptual or assessment frameworks, or influence on curriculum internationally (up to 3000 words). In this special issue, a range of pieces will be included and we invite you to share this call across your networks so that the Special Issue includes the widest possible international representation to celebrate Professor Fensham. Timeline Call for contributions: early November 2021 Submissions due: January 2022 Decisions for inclusion: May/June 2022 Publish date: September/October 2022 Submission Guidelines: Interested contributors can provide a submission for any two of the listed categories. Please send your submission(s) to A/Professor Kim Nichols, The University of Queensland, Australia ( and include names, email addresses and institutional affiliations for each co-author. |
Subject | Name | Date | Count | |
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65 | CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESEARCH IN SCIENC... | Headquarter of EASE | 2021-11-09 | 12538 |
64 | Special Issue in STEM Education | Headquarter of EASE | 2021-05-28 | 5040 |
63 | EASE2021 Online International Conference | Headquarter of EASE | 2021-03-25 | 15533 |
62 | ANNOUNCING SAJSE CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS | Headquarter of EASE | 2020-10-22 | 18273 |
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59 | CALL FOR REVIEWERS_ Journal of Science Teach... | Headquarter of EASE | 2017-09-13 | 17567 |
58 | ASTE (Associaiton for Science Teacher Educat... | Young-Shin Park | 2017-07-05 | 7638 |