Conference & Workshop


EASE Summer School 2012

Region Contact EM Workshop Professor Coach Students
China (Prof.) Liu, En-Shan (Prof.) XIN, Tao (Prof.) WANG, Jian Hong YANG
Mingchun HUANG
Wenyuan YANG
Yaqong HE
Hong Kong (Prof.) Cheng, May Hung May (Dr.) Alice Siu Ling WONG (Prof.) Maurice CHENG CHEN Yu
MAN Yuen Wah, Vivian
CHAN Kam Ho, Kennedy
MA Guanzhong
Japan (Prof.) Fujii, Hiroki (Prof.) Kinya SHIMIZU (Mr.) Shinichiro TAKAMATSU April Daphne HIWATIG
Korea (Prof.) Jang, Shinho (Prof.) SEO, Hae-Ae (Dr.) Hunkoog JHO Eun Ji Park
Jaesook Lee
Hyunok Lee
Heejung Min
Jisun Park
Jiae Lee
Yoonsook Chung
Taiwan (Prof.) Tuan, Hsiao-Lin (Prof.) CHIN, Chi-Chin
(Prof.) TUAN, Hsiao-Lin
(Prof.) LEE, Sung-Tao Yueh-Yun CHEN
Yun-Ping GE
An-Chi YEH
Chung-Chieh YU
  • Lectures: There will be four lectures at the summer school. Four to five senior professors will give talks will also serve as committee supervisers.
  • Group discussion: There will be five working groups at the summer school and each working group will consist of five Ph.D. students from five different member regions. Two types of group disccusion will operate under the leadership of coaches and senior professors.
    • Dissertation (five sessions): During thses sessions, students will be asked to present and discuss their Ph.D. studies with a small, supportive group of 'critical friends' from outside their institutional setting. Furthermore, students are expected to take an active part in the analyses and discussions of other students' Ph.D. studies or ongoing research. Each session (90 minutes) focuses on only one student's Ph.D. thesis study. Below is an example breakdown of a session. The coaches may adapt these timings and activities to suit their group.
      • A student presents his/her Ph.D. study to the group (30 minutes).
      • Clarification questions (5 minutes).
      • In pairs students discuss their reactions to a presentation and prepare at least one questions/comments per student. The presenter now breaks and perhaps chats with the coach (15 minutes).
      • The whole group reconvenes for a question/answer discussion chaired by the coach. All students are expected to take a full part in these discussions (35 minutes).
      • Concluding comments by the coach (5 minutes)
    • Collaborative proposal (three sessions): The purpose of the sessions of collaborative proposal is to enable students to discuss and develop a cross-region resrach proposal with a multicultural understanding. The scope of the proposal has to cover common issues in Asia and involove effort and speciality from each students. Each working group have to clarify the issue, ouline the questions, communicate literature, and design the method. The proposal should be finalized with a Powerpoint file and presented in the sessions of proposal sessions.
  • Proposal presentation: There will be two sessions. During the sessions, each working group presents its proposal in the front of senior professors. One best proposal or two will be determined in the end of the summer school.
Note for Coaches
  • The purpose of the working groups is to enable students to present and discuss their PhD study with a small, supportive group of ‘critical friends’ from outside of their institutional setting. Furthermore, students are expected to take an active part in the analysis and discussion of other students’ PhD studies. There will be 5 working groups at the Summer school. Each working group will consist of 5 PhD students and one coach.
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